Thursday, December 31, 2009

AP Physics: Visual Python

Dear AP Physics students,

This semester we will be using the 3-D programming module known as Visual Python to create modest simulations of basic physics concepts.

The goal of this project is to give students a chance to review and practice the Mechanics material of the first semester in a new and exciting way -- to see the same stuff, but from a radically different perspective.

The following links contain the instructions for downloading and installing (a) Python (& the programming environment IDLE) and (b) the Visual Python module in particular - along with a modified version of IDLE, called VIDLE, that we'll be using.

Be sure to follow the instructions -- you are going to be downloading and installing two packages, and you have to do it in the right order. We are going to use the most recent versions of everything.

Download instructions for Windows

Download instructions for Macintosh

Assuming everything downloaded and installed properly, you should be able to run VIDLE for Python. Go to File -> Open and pick one of the provided samples (I like ''). Go to Run -> Run Module (or just hit F5) and the program should appear and run. If not, get help on the Public Folder or in class.

Now, I'd like you to work the introductory tutorial.



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